Why can't I just get things done?

Growing up in the heart of a devoutly religious household was like living in a world of its own. We'd march to a religious rhythm, attending sanctified gatherings thrice weekly. Our voices would rise in unison in those moments, singing a hymn that echoed in my soul, "This world is not my home." It was a melody that struck a chord, for I always sensed I didn't quite belong in this reality.

Initially, I attributed this disconnection to my unique values, which stood out amidst the tapestry of beliefs around me. However, reflecting on those days now, residing in a humble Texas town, I realize we weren't as different as I once thought. Our beliefs were akin to our neighbors', albeit dressed in distinct flavors.

As I delve deeper into my past, memories resurface, memories of being labeled as "too active," "too impulsive," "too distracted," and "too restless." The realization dawns: the modern world isn't designed for those with ADHD traits like mine.

There is a felt sense of being too different in many ways. Sometimes, we discover it just from interacting with the world. Low self-esteem, poor boundaries, and feeling misunderstood are products of this interaction with the world.

This newsletter will discuss how our world makes us ADHDish and what we can do about it.

The modern world is built to make you ADHDish even if you’re not an ADHDer.

Ever feel like the world's in an attention-stealing frenzy? Feeling the whirlwind? Step back. Breathe. It's time to dance to your tune in this grand symphony of life. Here’s what to watch for:

1. Attention Theft

Picture this: tech wizards conjuring attention-stealing systems daily. They're crafting videos to hold you spellbound, and guess what? People pay for these enchanting 'impressions'—a.k.a. your attention.

Action Plan: Staying Aligned with Your Aspirations

2. Sensory Overload

Living in a world cranked up to max volume! Everywhere you turn, it's stimuli galore—flashing screens, a notification chorus, and a deluge of information. It's a struggle to focus and not get swept away.

Action Plan: Integrate Sensorial Awareness

3. Breaking Free from the Mold

In this world, rigidity rules. Our ancestors woke with the sun and followed the rhythm of nature. Now, it's all about schedules and sticking to the script. Finding your groove in this structured chaos is key.

Action Plan: Harmonize with Your Natural Rhythms

4. Racing Against Time

Life's a sprint, isn't it? The constant rush—deadlines, back-to-back meetings, demands pulling in all directions. Our natural settings had stress, sure, but not this relentless 24/7 race.

Action Plan: Mindful Pacing for Sustainable Progress

5. The Hyperconnected Web

It's a global village, but sometimes, too much connection is a storm. Chatting, working, ordering—a whirlwind. Multitasking seems like the hero, but it's the villain, adding stress and killing productivity.

Action Plan: Embrace Simplicity and Disconnect


How to stay dialed in when the world is pulling you away

Staying Aligned with Your Aspirations

Always align yourself with your core values and objectives when navigating your daily journey. Commence each day by reaffirming these values and, throughout your day, recenter your focus on them during breaks. As you engage in your tasks, connect each one with the vision of your desired future. Recognize that every action is a step towards crafting that envisioned future, and this awareness propels you forward.

Integrate Sensorial Awareness

Initiating an understanding of your intrinsic needs can be challenging, particularly with the digital distractions surrounding us. However, within you lie the tools necessary to guide you to the present moment—your senses. Your eyes, nose, ears, and skin directly connect to reality. You can fully embrace the present by attuning yourself to your feelings and your body.

Moreover, engaging in tracking can illuminate patterns of overstimulation from various sources. Recognizing your sensory predispositions is pivotal, as many of us react to stimuli uniquely, often hindering our concentration. Understanding your sensory profile is a significant step forward.

Harmonize with Your Natural Rhythms

The traditional 9-5 corporate structure doesn't always align with our individual rhythms. It's common to experience disruptions in our daily routines, especially concerning sleep. Embrace the idea that your peak energy might manifest in the morning or late at night. Rather than working against your natural inclinations, strive to synchronize your efforts with your inherent rhythms. Engage in open dialogues with employers and family, communicating what truly suits your optimal performance.

Mindful Pacing for Sustainable Progress

I once subscribed to a relentless pace, pushing myself incessantly without respite. However, this inevitably led to stress and burnout. Throughout history, major wisdom traditions have advocated for moments of deceleration during the day. Your body and mind crave these periods for recharging and reconnection. Acknowledge and honor these needs. Recognize that growth requires space and balance—rushing is not the answer.

Embrace Simplicity and Disconnect

Remember, you need intervals of rejuvenation. Our minds aren't wired for perpetual action. They require breathing room and time for contemplation. View this need for space as a strength, a tool for enhancing productivity. Harness it wisely. Simplify your life, and occasionally disconnect from the frantic pace of modern living. This deliberate simplification allows for renewal and a return to a more centered state.

Let these principles guide you toward a more meaningful and balanced life.


Course! I’m creating a cohort-style class to help with productivity, connecting, and creating a life you love. If this interests you, please email and fill out the poll below!

What type of additional support would you be interested in?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Ebook! My first short ebook is out. It’s free and all about how to use mindsets to stop procrastination. Download it here. Please shoot me an email to let me know what you think.

Workshop! For any of you interested in working with Neurodivergent folks better (Autistic individuals or ADHDers), I’m leading a workshop with my friend Jen Kemp. Click here for more information.

I hope you have a wonderful week!

